Steven r mcqueen chicago fire
Steven r mcqueen chicago fire

steven r mcqueen chicago fire

i also feel like this would’ve been a good place to have dawson on tommy’s truck and actually provides a good reason to bring her back to 51 other than boden just randomly changing his mind. so we’re getting these conflicts all season, then at the end of the season we get the stuff in just drive the truck, and we get a cliffhanger to find out who’s okay, then the storyline plays out more from there. i would’ve extended that storyline to fill the whole season with a good handful of the two truck companies meeting at fires, maybe thrown in a better connection (bc the dawson thing was not enough for me) where maybe he was in the same academy class with someone and they’ve had this rivalry for years (maybe it started as scores on tests, elevated to activities at the picnics and evolved into racing to get to a scene first). LISTEN! i know he’s bad, but aside from loving Kenny Johnson i think we would’ve benefited from a long term rivalry with another house.

#Steven r mcqueen chicago fire plus#

plus we would get uncle Kelly stuff which i think we all deserve. imagine Kelly standing at her side as her best man. It would’ve been nice to see her actually get a wife and child. i think she and Sylvie could’ve had a really fun run together with a rough start but came around to them being tight. it would’ve been nice to see her move into a PIC role with Sylvie and/or Mills depending on timing.

steven r mcqueen chicago fire

I think she could’ve had some really interesting storylines moving forward.

Steven r mcqueen chicago fire